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At MugWrappers.com we love to wrap…mugs! And are very excited to share the story of how our patent-pending mug wrappers came to be…

The Invention of Our Patent-Pending Mug Wrappers

Our inventor and President Ken Darrow began his mission to find a better way to wrap mugs back in 2009 after a customer needed a mug wrapping machine to fix sublimation transfer onto a mug.

When no such equipment existed, Ken took it as an exciting challenge to create a solution that consolidates a complicated process into a seamless printing system, and thus the SMW-102 was born!


SMW-102 Semi-Auto Mug Wrap:

Estimated to wrap 6 mugs per minute (operator dependent) the SMW-102 can wrap a mug in approximately two seconds once the machine is loaded. Wraps sublimation sheets straight and tapes them by the handles with easy pull tabs for removal. Still requires the silicone wrap or mug press.

Designed to wrap 11 to 15-ounce standard coffee mugs…Click here for more info.

The SMW-102 was not only created to provide a customer with a mug wrapping solution but also for research and development. The success of the SMW-102 led to the invention of an automatic model: the SMW-AUTO.


SMW-AUTO Mug Wrap System:

The SMW-AUTO is estimated to wrap up to 13 mugs per minute! Mugs are placed into the pockets of the indexing conveyor with handles up. The handle alignment system rotates all handles to the 12 o’clock position. Sublimation sheets are single-fed from a friction feeder and the barcode on the sublimation sheet is read with a barcode scanner.

If there is a problem with the barcode (duplicate order, canceled order, no-read, etc.) the sublimation sheet is rejected below, not being applied to a mug, and a new sublimation sheet is fed and scanned…

Click here for more info.

Interested in our Mug Wrappers?

CALL: +1 (800) 298-8936 FOR A QUOTE!

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